The violent earthquake that hit Tibet caused over 120 victims ( source at 3.30 pm).
The budget appears to still be provisional. The earthquake had a magnitude of 7.1 degrees Ritcher (equal to a degree 10 on the Mercalli scale in some areas).
Carlo Doglioni of INGV, declared to Ansa that “the mechanism behind the earthquake that occurred today in Tibet is similar to that which characterizes a good part of the events that occur in the Apennines”, Carlo Doglioni, president of the Institute, told ANSA National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology: “In that area, in fact, the collision between the Indian and Eurasian tectonic plates, which millions of years ago led to the uplift of the Himalayan chain, is characterised by an extensional type fault, which leads to a distancing between the two blocks”.
Therefore a mechanism also known in our beautiful country, very different, for example, from the mechanisms that generate earthquakes in the Campi Flegrei (due to bradyseism).
Earthquake shocking videos
Thanks to Youtube we can see almost live the terrible images that come to us from the web. Below are the most significant ones.
Prevenzione Terremoto aims to provide the advice necessary above all to be ready in the event of an earthquake. Since it is not possible to predict when the next earthquake will occur, it is particularly important to be prepared, especially in the areas where it is certain that there will be an earthquake!
Getting informed and following the seven steps of anti-seismic safety are the starting point for a more aware future.